Main | Friday, February 10, 2012

Right Wing Watch On Bryan Fischer

Some folks are highly critical of this blog's heavy coverage of AFA radio host Bryan Fischer. Yesterday Right Wing Watch blogger Kyle Mantyla laid it out just as I have here several times.
We often get asked why we pay attention to Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association and the relentless string of bigotry he produces on a daily basis; the assumption being that by highlighting his statements we are just giving him the attention he desires and that if we ignored him, he'd probably just go away. Obviously, we disagree and try to explain that we pay attention to Fischer because he is an influential leader within the Religious Right movement who is taken seriously by leading Republicans in Congress. And today's program provided a perfect example of this, as Fischer spent ten minutes once again going after JC Penney for hiring a known sexual deviant like Ellen DeGeneres immediately before conducting an interview with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

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