Main | Monday, March 26, 2012

Folks On The Other Side Of Your Screen

Here's a shot of this weekend's 2012 Haas Convening, where LGBT journalists gathered in Houston for training and updates on the movement's latest issues. Attending were such well-known bloggers as Jeremy Hooper (Good As You), Bil Browning (Bilerico Project), David Badash (New Civil Rights Movement), Rod McCollum (Rod 2.0), Zack Ford (Think Progress), Noah Michelson (HuffPo Gay Voices) and Scott Wooledge (Daily Kos).

Also in the house were writers from print outlets such as the Bay Area Reporter, Windy City Times, South Florida Gay News, Miami Herald, Gay City News, Frontier Magazine, The Advocate, Metro Weekly, Seattle Gay News, and the Washington Blade.

Among the presenters were Jerame Davis (Stonewall Democrats), R. Clark Cooper (Log Cabin Republicans), Mara Keisling (National Center for Transgender Equality), Denis Dison (Victory Fund), Mike Rogers (Netroots Connect), Marc Solomon (Freedom To Marry), and Steve Walker, the Deputy Political Director for the Democratic National Committee. A particular highlight was the welcoming speech from openly gay Houston Mayor Annise Parker (below). Big thanks go out to Haas exec (and former NGLTF director) Matt Foreman for another great event.

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