Main | Sunday, March 18, 2012

Frank Bruni On ACT-UP

"After more than 600,000 deaths from AIDS in this country and about 30 million around the globe, scientists still haven’t found a cure or vaccine. But there are highly effective treatments, and H.I.V.-infected people who get proper medical care — which isn’t, mind you, nearly enough of them — can expect long, full lives. And that’s largely because 25 years ago, a tribe in desperate trouble did something that religious conservatives who can get their minds out of people’s crotches should in fact admire. It elected self-reliance over self-pity, tapping its own reserves of intellect, ingenuity and grit to make sure its members were cared for." - Frank Bruni, in a New York Times column about the legacy of ACT-UP.

RELATED: The ACT-UP documentary, How To Survive A Plague, plays twice next week in Manhattan. Here's the clip that I ran earlier this year.

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