Main | Wednesday, March 07, 2012

HomoQuotable - Jimmy LaSalvia

"Despite the large delegate lead enjoyed by Governor Romney, other candidates in the field have made it clear that they intend to continue on. The question that Republicans, and conservatives in particular, must begin to ask themselves is whether continuing this process is in the best interest of our movement, the party and – most importantly – our country.

"President Obama has made it clear that he plans on doubling down on his failed policies. Obama and the left are fanning the flames of the culture wars in an attempt to distract Americans from the abject failure of this President to create jobs and grow our economy. To focus on the issues that Americans most care about and to defeat Obama we will need unity in the conservative movement and in the Republican Party and that unity must come soon." - GOProud president Jimmy LaSalvia, calling on everybody but Romney to drop out.

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