Main | Friday, March 02, 2012

Today In Gay Batshittery

Last December "gay matchmaker" Paul Angelo announced that men who enjoy receptive anal sex suffer from "disrespect for their general health, failure at work, failure in love and relationships." Today Angelo tells us that newly out gay men have a 70% chance of "becoming HIV poz." But don't worry, he has a solution.
"First, we know that if a man is a 'feeler' from MBTI personality testing, he is more likely to get carried away and engage in unprotected sex. A man who is a 'thinker,' someone who decides mostly on logic, will stop and choose to have safe sex even though he is having a great time." says Angelo. "Basic personality testing and behavioral testing is a must to determine one's ability to control behavior at times of pleasure. Hoping for the right decision at a time of an emotional 'high' is a prescription for becoming Hiv poz," says Angelo. Because of the controversial and graphic nature of this coaching program, Angelo is unable to provide further details. For more information, readers are asked to visit Angelo's website.
Angelo's website doesn't reveal how much he'll charge you to reduce that 70% HIV risk that he totally pulled out of his non-anally receptive ass.

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