Afternoon View - Halston House

The Alexander Hirsch and Lewis Turner Residence, aka Halston House, 101 East 63rd Street, New York NY. Includes a private garage and rooftop deck. 7349 square feet. Sold in 1974 to designer Roy Halston Frowick, aka Halston, who made the house "party central" during the 1970's. In 1990, a few months before Halston died, he sold to Gunter Sachs and Gianni Agnelli. Eventually, Sachs bought out Agnelli's interest. Sachs committed suiciide in May 2011. For sale in 2011.Cool photos of the interior are at the link. New York wrote about the place in 2005:
After Halston bought the house in 1974, it became a sort of hyperelegant confirmed-bachelor pad, and for fifteen years, the boldfaced walked brazenly in. They even gave the place a nickname, “101,” its street number. Normally they came for dinner, which, prepared by Halston’s live-in assistant, Mohammed Soumaya, usually consisted of caviar, a baked potato, and cocaine. “Often the potato course was passed over,” notes Halston biographer Steven Gaines. During a supposedly secret “drag party,” Steve Rubell wore one of Liza Minnelli’s dresses.
Labels: AIDS, architecture, disco, drugs, fashion, gay artists, LGBT History, Manhattan, NYC, Upper East Side