Main | Thursday, April 19, 2012

NORTH CAROLINA: Evil Gays Are Destroying Our Marriage Billboards

Vote For Marriage NC is raising money on claims that evil homosexuals have been destroying Amendment One signage across the state.
Dear Marriage Supporters, In the past few weeks, the opposition destroyed over $10,000 worth of billboards and yard signs. Even though our opponents are attempting to discourage the preservation of marriage in North Carolina, their actions are actually doing the opposite. Despite their malicious intentions, they are actually encouraging supporters like you to rally around us.Restitution is needed to overcome this damage. You can help push us forward. Today, we are launching a money bomb to raise $10,000 so that we can spread our message of truth across North Carolina! Will you join us in preserving marriage in North Carolina by contributing $25, $50, $100 or more TODAY so that we can reach our $10,000 goal by Friday?
I haven't seen any news stories about destroyed billboards. Anybody?

UDPATE: JMG reader Alec sends us the below photo of a vandalized "Vote 'NO' On Amendment One" pro-gay banner.

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