Main | Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wordpress Dominates Top 100 Blogs

Pingdom has surveyed the platforms used by Technorati's Top 100 blogs and finds that Wordpress dominates the field. That's surely of little consequence to most of you, but it's mildly interesting news to me, particularly coming on a morning during which Blogger was down for several hours. Dammit. Computer World reports:
WordPress' popularity, at least among these highly trafficked sites, has been growing. In 2009, WordPress was used by 32 of the most popular blogs, an earlier Pingdom survey found. In contrast, some of WordPress' competitors have lost their hold among the top blog spots over the past three years. Movable Type, the next most popular platform on the 2012 list, is used by only seven of the blogs in 2012, down from 12 when last surveyed. Another once-popular blogging platform, TypePad, has dropped even more dramatically in usage, from 16 sites to two, between 2009 and 2012. WordPress' newer competitors are making inroads, though they aren't as pervasive yet. Two of the top sites now use Drupal, which was introduced in 2001 but has only gained momentum in the past few years. One site on the list uses Tumblr, a blogging service introduced in 2007.
Although this here website thingy lives in an apparently increasingly ghetto corner of the blogosphere, I'm not going anywhere for now. Anyway, you might be interested in the Top 100 Blogs list. We're way down at #87.

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