Main | Monday, May 07, 2012

Brian Brownshirt On Joe Biden

"It's always hard to know what Vice President Biden is doing whenever he speaks. He could be launching a trial balloon, or he could just be being Biden with his foot in his mouth again. Whether he realizes it or not, Biden is declaring war on those 30 states in America that have adopted constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. This is soon to be 31 states when North Carolina, the site of the Democratic convention this August, enacts a constitutional amendment preserving traditional marriage tomorrow.

"What Joe Biden wants—genderless marriage that kowtows to the demands of gay couples—cannot exist alongside traditional marriage. Only one definition of marriage can exist. Joe Biden just made gay marriage a major issue in the presidential contest in critical swing states whose voters have adopted marriage amendments—including Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and Nevada. We will make sure that voters in these states, and others, know that if the Obama/Biden ticket is reelected, our marriage laws will be at grave risk." - NOM president Brian Brownshirt.

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