Main | Friday, May 18, 2012

Concerned Women Are Concernstipated That Muslims Are Dangerous To Convert

"It is well-known that strict Muslims advocate killing and desecration, so we, as educated Christians, must be aware of this and, as Jude cautions, 'save with fear, pulling them out of the fire.' Nurture this aggressive faith by passionately seeking after God through prayer and action. And notice the order: first and foremost, pray. Secondly, take action by educating yourself and refusing to be passive. We need to conquer through conviction, defend our morals, and lead by example.

"America was founded on Biblical principles. Our Founding Fathers built this country on aggressive thoughts and actions. They went up against a tyrannical government to gain freedom of religion and speech, which would not have been obtained without an aggressive faith. So rise up! Heed the call! Have an aggressive faith, and trust God to lead you. Remember, as Americans, we don’t negotiate with terrorists, and as Christians, we do not negotiate with those who seek to destroy what God has set apart. Our faith is a weapon! Use it!" - Alexandria Paolozzi, writing on the Concerned Women blog.

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