Main | Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Tea Party Rep Submits Amendment To Prevent DOJ From Opposing DOMA

Tea Party darling Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) has submitted an amendment that would prohibit the Department of Justice from opposing the Defense of Marriage Act in court. Metro Weekly reports:
In a conference call town hall held tonight with constituents, Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas), in response to a question about interstate marriage rights for same-sex couples, said that he "will be offering an amendment to prevent this administration from arguing in court against traditional marriage." The Human Rights Campaign earlier in the evening had learned that Huelskamp was planning to offer such an amendment. Specifically, he plans to offer an amendment to a House spending bill for the Justice Department that would prohibit the agency from using any funds to oppose the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act in court, as it has done since President Obama decided the 1996 law was unconstitutional in February 2011.
RELATED: Huelskamp is part of the first-term 2010 House class swept in on the Tea Party wave. According to some accounts I've read, he's completely over his head in Congress and has been mostly relegated to busy work like the Subcommittee On Poultry. His campaign was largely funded by the Concerned Women For America.

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