Main | Friday, June 08, 2012

FRC Launches Campaign Against Target

The Family Research Council today launched a campaign against Target. Because donating money to a gay parenting group is going to rip babies out of the arms of righteous white Christian women. Or something.
The Family Equality Council's clear objective is to pass legislation on the local and national level that would effectively shut down Christian based adoption agencies. We have seen this happen in Illinois, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. The legislation orders all adoption agencies to no longer put a priority in placing a child in a home with a mom and dad, despite the overwhelming evidence that such households are by far the best environment for a child. By making itself a clearinghouse for donations to a pro-homosexual group, Target has sent the message that they are 100 percent behind efforts to deny you the right to vote on marriage at the ballot box, and to shutter adoption agencies that prioritize placing children with mothers and fathers.
Here's the FRC's form letter to Target.

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