FRC Launches Prayer Rally Against Gays

May the President realize that he is an example and that his actions have an impact for good or for evil! May God wash our nation of the moral dullness and spiritual filth that is covering us as a result of this misguided, evil proclamation! May the Boy Scouts continue to resist pressure to yield to this ungodly agenda (Ps 51:6-7; Is 1:16-20; Jer 2:19-3:15; 4:14; Acts 22:16; Jude 7).
May America become fully acquainted with ENDA and its ominous consequences, and may they demand that their Congressmen and Senators reject it! (Ex 18:21-22a; Pr 28:4; Is 5:20; 59:15; 2 Th 2:7-12)
May the Lord lead each Justice to uphold DOMA and the right of the voters to amend their constitution to uphold marriage as between a man and woman! (Ex 18:20; Dt 16:18-19; Pr 28:4; Lk 12:11-12; Jn 7:24; 1 Tim 2:1-8)
Labels: Family Research Council, hate groups, religion, Tony Perkins