Main | Thursday, June 14, 2012

GOP Group: It's Time To Bomb Iran

From the war hawks calling themselves the Emergency Committee For Israel, who says it's well past time to bomb Iran. Buzzfeed has more:
The "significant" ad buy will air in New York and Washington DC beginning today, on Sunday political shows, and during weekend sporting events, with additional markets to follow next week, according to the group. The ad comes as the next round of nuclear talks with Iran will take place in Moscow next week, discussions that have yielded little in the past. The Obama administration has maintained that it has instituted the toughest sanction's yet on the country, though ECI, citing the International Atomic Energy Agency, says that in the meantime Iran has enriched enough Uranium to build five nuclear bombs. "President Obama has spent four years talking, Iran has spent four years building," the narrator says ominously. “Obama is still talking, and Iran has enough fuel for five nuclear bombs...Talking isn’t working. It’s time to act — before it’s too late.”

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