ILLINOIS: Erie School District Bans Kids Book Than Mentions Gay Families

"The parents concerns that were voiced were the source of the material. it was from G.L.S.E.N. (gay, lesbian and straight network). And also the book that won't be used moving forward was a family book and in that book it discussed different types of family structures," said Bradley Cox, Superintendent, Erie School District 1. Flipping through the book it talks about: Some families are the same color. Some families have a stepmom or stepdad. All families like to hug! So what's the big deal? Superintendant Bradley Cox said parents didn't like the non–traditional family structures, like having 2 moms or 2 dads. "Parents voiced a concern that those are issues that shouldn't be taught at the elementary school level, not that those aren't discussed at other grade levels," said Cox.CORRECTION: I wrongly blasphemed the town of Erie, Pennsylvania in the headline of this post. My apologies!
Labels: bigotry, books, education, gay families