Main | Sunday, July 15, 2012

Concerned Women Are Concernstipated About Fifty Shades Of Grey

"Christian women, we need to wake up! This country needs us. It needs our passion, our intensity, our desire to defend ourselves and our families. It needs the $22.50 we spent on Fifty Shades of Grey to be invested in a cause or campaign in which we believe. But women everywhere are politically and spiritually asleep, lulled into a cultural obsession with Christian Grey, an abusive therapist who seduces a college senior. And some men are even buying it on the advice of women as a lesson book for what women like. I recently heard a male bus driver say he wants to get this book on audio! (I’ll bet you do, ya perv!) Is this what we’ve come to: Women — Christian women — flocking to bookstores in droves to buy morally reprehensible tripe?" - Alison Howard of the Concerned Women, who says she asked Jesus for forgiveness after reading the first two pages.

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