Main | Thursday, July 12, 2012

NEW YORK: Cops Arrest Four As Occupy "Guitarmy" Marches To Zuccotti Park

Their clip description:
The Guitarmy had returned from their 99 Mile March from the Occupy National Gathering. We had greeted them at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal and together we marched to Zucotti Park and celebrated. A feeling of glory days returned was in the air. To the NYPD we certainly seemed a menace, as a series of actions reminiscent of Occupation days drew overreactive violence. The first of these was the arrest of a drummer who had moved from the celebration circle to the West side of the park, the site of the old drum circle. Crying "that's my son!" an older Guitarmy marcher dressed as the Statue of Liberty fell to the ground, allegedly shoved by a police officer who regarded her as interfering with the arrest. At the same time a photographer was arrested, his camera confiscated and dog held by a police officer.

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