Main | Thursday, August 09, 2012

Bad Vibes: City Cockblocks Giveaway

Gothamist reports that the mayor's office shut down yesterday's vibrator giveaway by Trojan. They were cockblocked!
The masses of men and women left unsatisfied after the Bloomberg Administration's Great Free Vibrator Cockblocking of 2012 are still unfulfilled—but Trojan says they're trying to get their toy giveaway buzzing again. And City Hall sounds like they are trying to do everything they can to please their constituents after rubbing them the wrong way on a hot August afternoon. Still, after hundreds of horny humans had their dreams of free battery-operated stimulation deflated by Nanny Bloomberg's no-fun squad, they've taken to the interwebs and the media to voice their displeasure.

"Bloomberg doesn’t want anyone to have fun. You can’t have a giant soda. You can’t have a vibrator," grumbled Melody Henry yesterday. SO TRUE. And Henry wasn't the only disappointed New Yorker left with proverbial blue balls yesterday. From the looks of Trojan's Facebook page there are a whole lot of people pissed about not just the city's shut down, but the "bush league" manner in which the Trojan's PR handled the giveaway interruptus. "This was the most horribly managed PR event I have ever seen," declared one Caskey Hunsader.
I'd guess Trojan is thrilled about Bloomberg's action.

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