Main | Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Gays Hate Chikin AND Cake

"America bit back on Chick-fil-A, and now a cake shop in Colorado is getting a slice of the action. If Jack Phillips's name sounds familiar, it's because the media tried to twist the knife on the local baker for turning down a same-sex 'wedding' order. According to reports, the couple shouted profanity, offered a choice gesture, and stormed out. Later that day, the couple tried to smear the local businessman on Facebook. But if they thought that would frighten off Jack, they were mistaken. 'We would close down that bakery before we closed our beliefs,' Phillips told reporters. Like the 'tolerant' mobs who vandalized Chick-fil-As, some activists are advocating violence against the 20-year-old shop. But the strategy to silence and intimidate is backfiring for this small minority. Thanks to a few outspoken mayors, Americans are catching on to what's really at stake--and it isn't 'equality!' Free speech, enterprise, and worship are all at risk." - Hate group leader and KKK supporter Tony Perkins, via email blast.

OOH. Those queens stormed out and THEN they said something on Facebook! Why, that's just like sitting fire to the front lawn of a major national corporation!

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