Main | Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ILLINOIS: Straight House Candidate Denounces Opponent On LGBT Rights

Straight Illinois businessman Brad Schneider is hanging his U.S. House candidacy on the anti-gay positions of his GOP opponent, Rep. Bob Dold. Via press release:
Congressman Dold and the Congressional Tea Party’s ideological agenda is out of touch with Illinois voters, and the rest of the country, which supports ENDA by a four-to-one margin (79%). “Congressman Dold and the TeaParty Republican Majority in Washington have stonewalled progress;and, because of their out-of-touch policies, millions of Americans can be fired for nothing more than being honest about themselves,” said Reed Adamson,Schneider for Congress Campaign Manager. “In these difficult times, we should be making sure that people are safe in their jobs and secure in their economic well being, not making it easier to fire them without legitimate cause. That’s why Brad is running – to overcome the extreme, right-wing ideology in Washington and stand up for what’s right."
Scheider has been endorsed by the HRC. He has launched a petition demanding that Congress pass ENDA.

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