NEW ZEALAND: American DOMA Refugee Named Head Of National Gay Magazine

When I lived in San Francisco, Leif was the busiest man I knew, always with a dozen fundraisers and volunteer events on his schedule. He also seemed to know every single man in the city by name, an invaluable resource for me back when I was just a Fog City newbie. I'd wager that Express readers can expect some aggressive work from Leif as New Zealand's marriage vote draws near. That said, I still want Leif and Mo to come home.Leif has an extensive history in and passion for GLBT community engagement, having worked for two years as director of operations at the original BEAR magazine in the mid-1990s, a year-long support role for the now-defunct San Francisco arm of the LA-based GLBT community magazine called Frontiers, and over three years as director of operations at landmark gay porn company Hot House Entertainment. Outside of his business experience, Leif says it’s his volunteer work within the community that has really brought joy to his life. “My volunteer work includes two years producing the infamous Folsom Street Fair, ten years helping to run the Leather Market at IML (International Mister Leather), and generally lending support to various community events and fundraisers over the years. Oh, I almost forgot… six years on the Working Group and Board of Grass Roots Gay Right West (GRGR/West), producers of REAL BAD."
Labels: gay press, journalism, Leif Wauters, New Zealand