Main | Friday, September 07, 2012

CHARLOTTE: Cardinal Tim Dolan Slams Abortion Rights During DNC Prayer

"We beseech you, almighty God to shed your grace on this noble experiment in ordered liberty, which began with the confident assertion of inalienable rights bestowed upon us by you: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thus do we praise you for the gift of life. Grant us the courage to defend it, life, without which no other rights are secure. We ask your benediction on those waiting to be born, that they may be welcomed and protected." - Archbishop Timothy Dolan, closing out the Democratic National Convention.

Do you suppose the DNC is still happy to have invited Dolan? My very loud booing when he was announced caused a couple of dozen cameras in Section 107 to spin towards my direction. Good. My name is Joe Jervis and I motherfucking endorse my message.

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