Main | Friday, September 28, 2012

Ryan Idol Sentenced To 12 Years

Former gay porn star Ryan Idol has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for attempting to kill his girlfriend. Idol, whose real name is Marc Donais, was convicted last September but his sentencing was delayed while he appealed in vain for a retrial.
According to the victim's testimony at trial, Donais entered the woman's apartment the night of Sept. 5, 2009, and told her, "I came over here to kill you." The two had been involved in a relationship, but the woman -- whose name is being withheld because she is a domestic violence victim -- said she cut it off when she caught him having sex with his male lover. The woman said Donais stormed into her bathroom while she was taking a bath of her 48th Street residence and began to beat her with the porcelain lid until "I felt blood gushing down my shoulders."
RELATED: After retiring from porn, Idol tried his hand at acting and appeared in the Broadway revival of The Ritz. (I saw him in that.) In 2008 he got caught up in a financial scandal involving a Birmingham, Alabama city council member, who was accused of embezzling money from a children's charity to pay Idol $30,000 for "computer repairs."

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