Tony Perkins: Christians Need To Start Acting Up Like Gay People Do
"Although the homosexual community may not be the largest in the U.S.--it's certainly the loudest. That might explain the major disconnect between the media's portrayal and reality. Just last month, liberals celebrated a record number of homosexual and cross-dressing characters on TV--which is somewhat ironic today, considering the sliver of the population they represent. For years, these 3.4% have seemed to enjoy 100% accommodation. As a community, they've gone out of their way to demand special treatment--even trampling the freedom and values of the other 97% to secure it.
"This may be a tiny fraction of the population, but they are quite literally rewriting history. Imagine what the world would look like if Christians lived out the Great Commission with this same kind of intensity! We certainly wouldn't be debating the definition of marriage or the sanctity of human life. In the midst of these social debates, this is a teachable moment. If there's one thing the homosexual community demonstrates again and again, it's that a loud minority is more powerful than a timid majority. If Christians in America would simply stand, unapologetically, and speak the truth in love, there is no limit to the renewal we could experience as a nation. It's time to look beyond the cultural breakdown and recognize that the catalyst for transformational change is us!" - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via press release.
Labels: FRC, hate groups, religion, Tony Perkins