Main | Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Swag Tuesday

Courtesy of Spin Cycle, this week's Swag Tuesday prize is two tickets to Freedom To Love Now!, a marriage equality concert starring tons of popular performers including NYC-based artists Justin Bond and Rufus Wainwright. The concert takes place on October 30th at the Beacon Theater on Manhattan's Upper West Side. Get tickets here.
Freedom To Love Now! is a concert initiative and a call to action for our modern day. By bringing together some of the finest artists and musicians of our generation, we demand the issue of marriage equality to be respected. Our mission is to raise funds and awareness until same-sex marriage is legalized in all fifty states. Boom for Equality is a live entertainment company that promotes a future where all Americans are treated fairly under the law. Protest music can be traced to almost every human civilization. In the US’s storied history, from the early struggle for civil rights to the current challenges facing the LGBT community, music has served as an electrifying rallying call. Boom for Equality aims to harness that creative energy and channel it for the common good.
Enter to win by commenting on this post. Only enter once and please remember to leave your email address in the text of your comment. Entries close at midnight at Thursday, west coast time. If you cannot be in New York City on October 30th, your winning entry is transferable to your favorite equality-minded pal. Publicists: If you'd like to take part in Swag Tuesday on JMG, please email me.

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