Main | Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Spanish High Court Upholds Gay Marriage

Last November when Spain's anti-gay Popular Party swept the Socialists out of power, there was a great deal of concern that same-sex marriage would be repealed.  Worry no more!
Spain's Constitutional Court upheld the legality of the country's gay marriage law on Tuesday, rejecting an appeal contending that marriage in the Spanish constitution means only the union of a man and woman. The county's top court voted 8-3 to dismiss the appeal of the conservative Popular Party filed shortly after Spain became the world's third country to approve gay marriage. Spain's Parliament passed the gay marriage law in 2005 when it was Socialist-controlled, with Popular Party deputies opposed. The Popular Party took power late last year after the Socialists were ousted over their handling of the economy.
Let's call this the FIRST good news of the day.

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