Main | Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bishops Order Priests To Encourage Attendance At NOM's Hate March

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued a letter to all American dioceses that orders every parish to consider encouraging parishioners to attend NOM's hate march on the Supreme Court.
We are grateful for this opportunity to express support for the Marriage March and to encourage participation in this event. We realize that the march will occur during the solemn days of Holy Week, but we ask that you consider promoting this event in your diocese and parishes and encourage participation where possible.  The march will be a significant opportunity to promote and defend marriage and the good of our nation, to pray for our Supreme Court justices, and to stand in solidarity with people of good will. It also complements well the bishops’ Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty ( that was approved last November. This is a decisive time for marriage in our country. We are deeply grateful for any support you can offer for this march.
Pretending that he himself is not a defacto Vatican employee, Brian Brown reacts: "We welcome the active participation and support of the Catholic Church in the march."

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