Main | Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Liberty Counsel Files Final Brief To Block CA Ban On "Ex-Gay" Therapy

The Liberty Counsel has filed its final reply brief in their battle to block California's ban on "ex-gay" torture for LGBT minors.  Via press release:
The Reply Brief points out that SB 1172 is unconstitutional because it bans one viewpoint on same-sex sexual attractions, behavior, or identity. Affirming homosexuality is permitted, but counsel to change is banned. The Reply Brief also points out that a number of California counseling associations objected to a virtually identical version of the law, stating it was an “unprecedented regulation of psychotherapy,” and noting that the definition of “sexual orientation change efforts” was vague, which is part of Liberty Counsel’s argument against SB 1172.

The Reply Brief also points to the 2009 American Psychological Association’s Task Force Report that admits sexual orientation, behavior, and identity are “fluid,” and thus capable of change. Yet, SB 1172 bans change therapy under any circumstance. “The minors we represent have not and do not want to act on same-sex attractions, nor do they want to engage in such behavior. They are greatly benefiting from counseling,” said Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “These minors have struggled with same-sex attraction and have been able to reduce or eliminate the stress and conflict in their lives by receiving counseling that best aligns with their religious and moral values,” said Staver.

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