Main | Tuesday, March 05, 2013

AFA: We're Still Boycotting Home Depot

Today's press release from the American Family Association:
The Home Depot just gave $8,500 to the Atlanta chapter of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) as a "Silver" sponsor of the Atlanta Gala Dinner and Auction in May.  HRC is the nation's largest and most aggressive gay marriage advocacy group, leading the charge to the Supreme Court against California's constitutional amendment protecting marriage as between one man and one woman.  Customers who shop at Home Depot should know that a portion of their purchase will be used to help push the legalization and promotion of homosexual marriage in America. AFA is promoting a boycott of Home Depot until it agrees to remain neutral in the homosexual culture war.
The boycott launched a couple of years ago and since then Home Depot's stock value has just about tripled.  No wonder the company won't return calls from the AFA!

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