At The Minnesota House
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Representative Glenn Gruenhagen introduces a friend of his on the House floor as someone who used to be involved in the gay lifestyle and now has three children. Gruenhagen has come under increasing fire for his assertion that homosexuality is a mental illness. A few minutes later House Speaker Paul Thissen announces that members can non longer use a "point of personal privilege" to introduce friends or family from the floor or the gallery in the House.
UPDATE: Zack Ford has more at Think Progress.
Gruenhagen and Petersen worked together to try to pass November’s amendment to ban same-sex marriage, but were not successful. Last month, Gruenhagen explained his anti-gay positions by describing homosexuality as “an unhealthy, sexual addiction” and decrying any claim that it’s an immutable characteristic as “an unscientific lie.” Petersen believes that gay activists recruit “sexually confused people” by convincing them “that they can’t possibly change and gay is good.” He attributes his conversion to the ex-gay group Exodus and the Catholic celibacy group Courage.
Labels: crackpots, ex-gay, Minnesota, still totally gay