Main | Friday, April 05, 2013

Baldness Pattern Linked To Heart Disease

According to a new study, the manner in which you are losing your hair may indicate whether you are more likely to develop heart disease. 
The cohort studies revealed that men who lost most of their hair were 32 percent more likely to develop coronary artery disease than those who did not have hair loss. When looking at balding subjects below the age of 60, 44 percent were more likely to develop coronary artery disease. The other three studies showed that balding men were 70 percent more likely to have heart disease, with younger balding men's risk rising to 84 percent. Vertex balding -- meaning balding on the top of the head and crown -- was shown to be an issue.

Researchers discovered that those with extensive vertex balding had a 48 percent higher risk of coronary artery disease. Moderate vertex balding went up by 36 percent, and mild went up to 18 percent. However, those who had frontal balding had no additional risks. All six studies together showed that the people who had vertex and frontal balding were 69 percent more likely to have heart disease than those with a full head of hair.
Just so you have something new to plotz over today.

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