Main | Tuesday, April 23, 2013

NOM Launches Last Minute Bid Against Marriage In Delaware & Rhode Island

Yesterday afternoon NOM posted two separate items urging supporters to contact state legislators in advance to today's marriage votes in the full Delaware House and Rhode Island Senate Judiciary Committee.

From the Delaware post:
The Delaware state Constitution does NOT offer citizens the right to overrule legislators through a voter initiative or constitutional amendment referendum. With nearly 2-1 Democratic majorities in both houses of the legislature and Governor Markell putting intense political pressure on Democratic members, we need your help right away to stop this bill from passing! Supporter, with your help, we CAN stop same-sex marriage from coming to Delaware!
From the Rhode Island post:
It's happening NOW—Senate Bill 38, which would redefine marriage in Rhode Island, may be voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee today or tomorrow, and swiftly move to a vote before the full chamber! This vote is by no means a "done deal." It will be close, but there's still a chance of keeping this bill from moving out of committee—that's why it's so important that you act right away!

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