Main | Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Paul Ryan Endorses Gay Adoption

At a Wisconsin town hall meeting, Rep. Paul Ryan said that while he still opposes same-sex marriage, he now supports gay adoption. Rebecca Leber and Zack Ford have the scoop at Think Progress:
Confronted by an audience member about his anti-LGBT voting record — Ryan earned a “zero percent” score on gay rights from the Human Rights Campaign — the House Budget Committee chairman admitted that gays and lesbians could provide a loving home to “orphans.” In 1999, Ryan voted against adoption for same-sex couples in the District of Columbia, but said he would vote differently today.
Ryan went on to restate his support for ENDA, although Think Progress notes that he initially lobbied against an early version that was trans-inclusive before voting for for the weakened 1997 bill. Hit the link for more.

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