Main | Tuesday, May 07, 2013

FRANCE: Manif Pour Tous Embarrassed By "Monster" Image Of Minister Of Justice

The above image went viral on French Twitter accounts yesterday, angering gay activists and embarrassing Manif Pour Tous.
The poster, designed by an anti-same sex marriage activist, depicts France’s Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira, who is black, as a raging gorilla/King Kong, overwhelmed by a flow of demonstrators from the “Manif Pour Tous,” the main anti-same sex organization. The slogan is a play on words: “manif monstre” can mean ‘giant demo.’ The picture, posted on Monday night, was retweeted and commented massively by anti-gay rights activists and by both outraged anti- and pro-same sex marriage activists. French Guiana-born Christiane Taubira is, as François Hollande’s Minister of Justice, the main proponent of the bill legalising same-sex marriage. She has been the target of a large majority of the slogans and banners from anti-same sex marriage demonstrators.
The creator of the image later deleted his tweet and apologized. Manif Pour Tous followed up with a tweet saying that theirs was the only official account and that only their images should be "taken into account." (Tipped by Str8Grandmother)

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