Main | Thursday, May 30, 2013

NOM Loses Final Appeal In Maine

Today the Maine Supreme Judicial Court rejected NOM's appeal to continue to cloak the names of their donors. Via Bangor Daily News:
In affirming an earlier Kennebec County Superior Court’s decision, justices on the Supreme Judicial Court rejected NOM’s arguments that subpoenas issued by the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Elections Practices violate donors’ First Amendment rights and expose them to “threats, harassment and reprisal.” The court heard arguments in the case on April 11. “Our review of the extensive record, the Superior Court’s well-reasoned opinion, and the detailed analysis of related issues by our federal court colleagues leads us to conclude that, on the facts of this case, the Commission did not err,” the ruling issued Thursday states.
Wanna bet NOM vows to take it to SCOTUS?

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