Main | Monday, June 10, 2013

Hate Group That Got Pennsylvania's Hate Crimes Law Overturned Protests At Washington DC Pride

In 2004 eleven members of Repent America were arrested for disorderly conduct at Philadelphia's Outfest after refusing police orders to disperse and stop blocking the street. The arrests became a major cause of national anti-gay hate groups who claimed that Repent America members were arrested merely for "reading the bible in public." Their subsequent lawsuit resulted in the 2008 overturn of the sexual orientation and gender identity amendments to Pennsylvania's hate crimes law.

Yesterday they showed up at DC Pride.
DC's annual Capital Pride Parade turns heated as Christian evangelists, with microphones and amplifiers, decry homosexuality as sin and argue that it is contributing to the moral and cultural decline of America. An evangelist repeatedly warns parade-goers that they will go to hell unless they repent for supporting gay causes and put their faith in Jesus. Parade-goers, vastly outnumbering the evangelists, respond that the activists are being hateful and arrogant and giving Christians everywhere a bad name.

RELATED: Here's video of the 2004 incident.

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