Main | Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Tony Perkins: Obama Is Bullying Other Nations Into Accepting LGBT Rights

"If the President doesn't respect America's views on marriage, what makes us think he would respect other countries'? Certainly not his latest USAID project. In April, to relatively little fanfare, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) embarked on one of the most shocking abuses of taxpayer dollars in the last five years. With help from the Levi Strauss Foundation and millionaire liberal Tim Gill, the U.S. government is spending $11 million to train homosexual activists in other countries.

"In essence, U.S. taxpayers are being forced to groom the next generation of the world's Human Rights Campaigns -- a stunning exploitation of Americans' money, and more importantly, their trust. For the Obama administration, this is just another part of its strong-arm strategy to bully other nations into compliance. Whether it's through the United Nations, U.S. embassies, or the State Department, President Obama is leading the effort to bribe and coerce poor countries into accepting his pro-homosexual agenda." - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via email.

RELATED: Perkins' email links the below video from Family Watch International, which attacks the Obama administration for working to stop the persecution of LGBT people worldwide. Because Tony Perkins wants to see more gay people murdered.

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