Main | Saturday, July 20, 2013

CALIFORNIA: San Diego County Clerk Files To Stop Same-Sex Marriages

San Diego County Clerk Ernest Dronenburg yesterday filed a petition to the California Supreme Court asking that all county clerks statewide be barred from issuing same-sex marriage licenses.
About a week ago, a group opposing same-sex marriage asked the state Supreme Court to declare that Proposition 8 is still valid. Among other things, the group said the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling affected only Alameda and Los Angeles counties -- the two regions where plaintiffs who originally challenged the law live. On Friday afternoon, Dronenburg said he is one of 20 county clerks -- out of 58 in California -- expected to file petitions with the California Supreme Court seeking clarity on the controversy. He filed his petition Friday and said the others are scheduled to submit their filings by the end of Monday.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris reacted: "The filing offers no new arguments that could deny same-sex couples their constitutionally protected civil rights. The federal injunction is still in effect, and it requires all 58 counties to perform same-sex marriages. No exceptions."

The chair of the San Diego County Board Of Supervisors reacted: "The County Clerk has acted independently on this matter. No one else from the County was consulted or had any part of this court action, including the Board of Supervisors. The County's position is and always has been that we, the County, will follow applicable law with regards to same-sex marriage."

Equality California reacted: "This is an outrageous and desperate attempt that is without merit. Our Attorney General Kamala Harris' swift response asserting that all 58 counties are required to perform same-sex marriages without exception, further illustrates the importance of electing pro-equality leaders to office. We thank our Attorney General for her continued leadership!"

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