Main | Monday, July 08, 2013

Today's New York Post

This morning I mentioned that former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer will be running for city comptroller. Not mentioned in my first post on this news is that one of Spitzer's opponents will be Kristin Davis, the madam that claims to have provided "Client Number Nine" with some of his hookers.
“I’ve been waiting for my day to face [Spitzer] for five years,” Davis said. “I sat ... in Rikers Island, I came out penniless and nothing happened to him. The hypocrisy there is huge.” Davis, who is running as a Libertarian, says her escort service supplied Spitzer prostitutes, a claim which has never been verified. On her campaign website, she describes herself as "a feminist, entrepreneur, and former Wall Street Hedge Fund Vice President" who has the "financial management and business experience to be an effective fiscal watchdog for the New York taxpayer." She also says she's the only candidate who supports the legalization and taxation of marijuana in order to close NYC's budget deficit.
Davis says this will be "the funnest campaign ever."  Anthony Weiner must be doing cartwheels.

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