Main | Friday, August 16, 2013

CLAIM: Apparel Chain Forever 21 Cuts Staffing Hours To Evade Obamacare

Jezebel has some details:
According to the letter, an unnumbered but significant amount of employees will no longer receive paid time off, will not be allowed to work more than 29.5 hours a week and will no longer have health insurance. The company has been inundated with numerous comments on their Facebook page from angry customers who say they will never shop at Forever 21 again and who are blaming the change on aforementioned ACA requirements. The ACA has already kicked a number of companies, retail or otherwise, into overdrive with concerns about the cost of paying employees.
The California-based chain has 480 outlets. Its owners, Do Won Chang and his wife Jin Sook, are multi-billionaire born again Christians who "reportedly attend church at 5:20 a.m. on weekdays, keep bibles in the office, and print John 3:16 on the bottom of each bag." (But no health care for their employees because Jesus, presumably.) Forbes reports that Forever 21 has been sued more than 50 times by other apparel chains for copyright infringement.

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