NEW JERSEY: Liberty Counsel To Sue Over "Ex-Gay" Therapy Ban For Minors
Yesterday New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signed the bill that bans "ex-gay" therapy for minors. And just like they've done in California, the Liberty Counsel will sue.
“The New Jersey governor is putting himself in every counseling room, dictating what kind of counseling clients can receive,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “This bill provides a slippery slope of government infringing upon the First Amendment rights of counselors to provide, and patients to receive, counseling consistent with their religious beliefs.” “This bill is so broad that parents would be prohibited from seeking help for their son who developed unwanted same-sex attractions after being molested by the likes of Jerry Sandusky. Counselors would only be allowed to affirm these unwanted feelings as good and normal. This is absurd and dangerous. This law would inflict serious damage to children, parents, and counselors,” said Staver. New Jersey counselors, parents of minors receiving change therapy counseling, and national counseling organizations have contacted Liberty Counsel. Liberty Counsel will immediately file suit.
Labels: Christianists, ex-gay, hate groups, LGBT youth, Liberty Counsel, New Jersey, religion, torture