Main | Wednesday, August 07, 2013

One Million Moms Vs NBC's Camp

"Dear Joe, NBC's newest program, 'Camp,' could be misleading to parents with this title, but with a TV-14 DLS rating you can be assured this will not be for family viewing. The content in this program (and even in its commercials) is inappropriate for tweens and teens and will send the wrong message to America's youth. Unacceptable content in the program included: 'This is a p*rn desert.' 'Fifty Shades of Little Otter' (Little Otter is the name of camp), mom walks in on son m*sturbating, g*mbling add*cts, p-word used, and one camper has g*nital h*rpes, s*xual innuendos, politically correct situations with a h*mosexual couple.  NBC's newest show is irresponsible and tasteless. It is appalling that NBC intends to air a show that features immoral behavior in a positive light while attempting to draw in young viewers with the title and adolescent plot of the program." - One Million Moms, in this week's plea to contact advertisers.

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