Brian Brown Cheers Australia
"Dear Joe, 'Sank Like a Stone' — that's how same-sex marriage faired in Australia this past week. Australia held elections for Prime Minister the other day, but it was as much a referendum on whether the Aussies would redefine marriage or not. You may remember I had traveled to Australia in August for the World Congress of Families, and I could not be happier for the friends I made on that trip and our pro-marriage and family allies there.
"It's a great victory for marriage, and a win worth celebrating across the globe. It also serves as a reminder that when people are given the right to vote on marriage, they invariably vote to preserve the true and intrinsic nature of marriage as an institution binding one man to one woman for life in order to love and care for one another and for any children born of their union.
"To cement this great victory, the people of Australia should insist on the right to a national referendum to preserve marriage. That's the best way to capitalize on the momentum of the victory, and only an amendment will protect marriage from the unceasing efforts of gay-'marriage' activists and the politicians who rely on them for support. It's the only way to ensure that the people — and not politicians or judges — control the definition of marriage in Australia." - Hate group leader Brian Brown, via email.
Labels: Australia, Brian Brown, Catholic Church, hate groups, Kevin Rudd, marriage equality, religion, Vatican