Main | Friday, September 06, 2013

NYC's Subway Kittens Have Been Adopted

The two kittens who became an issue in New York City's mayoral race have been adopted one week after the MTA shut down two subway lines in Brooklyn as they darted around the third rail. The Village Voice reports on their new home:
Luckily, we still live in Bloomberg's New York, a place where subway kittens can dream of one day growing up to become residents of a palatial Bushwick pad like the one where Arthur and August now live--complete with a towering cardboard box fort, a homemade scratching post, and all the Cinnamon Toast Crunch a cat could ever want. The sweet digs were built by Steven Liu, skilled scratch-post craftsman and occasional scratch-post himself. Liu built a cat playroom in his basement of his duplex, where he now takes in shelter cats. Arthur and August are currently sharing the place with two other kittens, Alice and Ralph. Liu catalogs the comings and goings of all the kittens and cats he fosters on his Tumblr, Scratch Pad.
The kittens' new owner is blogging about them here.

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