Main | Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Alan Grayson Gaveled Out After Declaring House Less Popular Than Dog Poop

Mediaite recaps:
Representative Alan Grayson (D-FL) found himself on the wrong side of the House of Representatives Tuesday afternoon. It might have had something to do with the target of his fiery speech: the House of Representatives. Grayson sought to bring a resolution declaring that the government shutdown had been a blight upon the dignity of the legislature, citing multiple polls that showed public opinion of Congress as worse than toenail fungus, hemorrhoids, and zombies. But when he mentioned that Congress had a lower approval rating than “dog poop,” speaker pro tempore Steve Womack (R-AR) interjected and told him to keep his remarks confined to whether the question was privileged. Womack cut him off with several dramatic gavel bangs. “The chair has heard enough,” Womack said.
Grayson's vote was not allowed. Watch the full clip if you have the time, it's pretty great.

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