Main | Monday, October 28, 2013

Glenn Beck Vs Time Warner Cable

Via Glenn Beck's The Blaze:
Many Time Warner Cable customers are unhappy about the company’s recent decision to add the Qatar-owned Al Jazeera America to its channel line-up while maintaining there are no concrete plans to offer TheBlaze TV. Customers flocked to Time Warner Cable’s Facebook page to express their frustration, many of them threatening to cancel their service if the provider refuses to pick up TheBlaze TV. “Al Jazeera?!? Seriously? You’ve got to be kidding me. Add the Blaze or I’m gone,” one Facebook user wrote. “I am a Time Warner customer for my internet and cable. If you don’t add the Blaze, you can say goodbye to me forever!” another wrote.
Al Jazeera entered the US market back in January when it bought Al Gore's Current TV for $500M. (Gore had declined to sell the channel to Beck.) Beck's web-channel has 300,000 subscribers at $99/year.

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