Main | Tuesday, October 01, 2013

PENNSYLVANIA: County Clerk Appeals Marriage Ruling To State Supreme Court

And now there's another case heading to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
After mulling it over for nearly a month, the Montgomery County Register of Wills has filed his appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, asking for a reversal of the order handed down from commonwealth court barring him from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. On Sept. 12, Commonwealth Court President Judge Dan Pellegrini granted a writ of mandamus — sought by the Pennsylvania Department of Health — against D. Bruce Hanes, Clerk of the Orphan’s Court and register of wills for Montgomery County.
By the time of the ruling, Hanes had issued 170 licenses to couples from across Pennsylvania. The status of those that completed their marriages remains in limbo.

RELATED: Last month Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett hired outside counsel to represent the state in a marriage suit brought by the ACLU on behalf of 32 gay couples. State Attorney General Kathleen Kane has refused to defend against the suit.

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