Main | Friday, October 11, 2013

S.E. Cupp To CNN: Stop Calling The FRC's Values Voter Summit "Anti-Gay"

Mediaite's Andrew Kirell writes:
The banner was referring to the event’s host: The Family Research Council. Headed up by frequent cable pundit Tony Perkins, FRC is literally anti-gay and anti-abortion. So the banner is certainly not inaccurate. FRC is quite outspoken about its opposition to homosexual acts, and makes plenty of cable news appearances to decry the oncoming wave of a “pro-gay culture” and whatnot. So… yes, they are definitively anti-gay and anti-abortion. Those two platforms are basically their lifeblood.
Kirell goes on, however, to say that it's unfair to lump Ted Cruz and Rand Paul in with the "more extreme, vociferously anti-porn, anti-homosexuality elements of the conservative movement."

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