Main | Monday, October 07, 2013

World Net Daily: Obamacare = Hitlercare

Today on World Net Daily:
Nazi Germany is the true birthplace, and Hitler is the real father of universal health care. Like Lenincare, Stalincare, Maocare, Castrocare and Obamacare, all universal health-care systems are derivative of Marxism, socialism, communism, progressivism, postmodernism and thus are antithetical to America’s founding constitutional principles of God, the Bible, natural law, equality, liberty and truth. Like Hitlercare, Obamacare will inevitably lead to health-care rationing, death panels, millions of uninsured and, eventually, the systematic genocide of the weak, minorities, enfeebled, the elderly and political enemies of the God-state.

Obama is using his Gestapo and SS Stormtroppers or so-called “navigators” (e.g., the youth, the unions, Planned Parenthood, NAACP, ACORN, La Raza, etc.) to propagandize the poor, the miseducated and minorities who are being exploited to lead this final blitzkrieg toward forcing universal health care, but like in Hitler’s Germany once the reality of their treachery metastasizes, guess who will be the first ones forced to sacrifice their lives for the Fatherland in our march toward a “perfect” society without illness or suffering? History has repeatedly demonstrated that the weakest and most vulnerable have often been the first victims to be eliminated.
Mitt Romney: Goebbels or Goering?

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