Main | Saturday, November 16, 2013

Alec Baldwin Issues "Clarifications"

"I think it is important to note, in light of recent events, a couple of clarifications. One is that I never used the word faggot in the tape recording being offered as evidence against me. What word is said right after the other choice word I use is unclear. But I can assure you, with complete confidence, that a direct homophobic slur (or indirect one for that matter) is not spoken. In the wake of referring to a tabloid 'journalist' as a toxic queen, I would never allow myself to make that mistake again, nor would I expose my wife and family to the attendant ridicule. My friends who happen to be gay are baffled by this. They see me as one who has recently fought for marriage equality and has been a supporter of gay rights for many years. Now, the charge of being a 'homophobic bigot,' to quote one crusader in the gay community, is affixed.

"Another issue I want to address is the decision by MSNBC to suspend my show. Whether the show comes back at all is at issue right now. [snip] I have been a fan of MSNBC for some time. Its left-leaning tone never bothered me. I still believe that they are more enamored of and devoted to the truth in any single hour than Fox is all year long. I think Rachel Maddow is perhaps the single most important television journalist on the air today. And if my show does disappear, I will be grateful in so far as her good work, along with that of O'Donnell and Hayes and Sharpton and Matthews and Jansing, will not be sullied by my problem." - Alec Baldwin, writing today for the Huffington Post.

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